The spdci:Identifier object refers to unique numbers identifying individuals
Last updated 10 months ago
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Type of identifier used by the person
Value of the identifier
{ "@context": { "spdci": "", "rdfs": "", "xsd": "", "owl": "" }, "@id": "spdci:Identifier", "@type": "spdci:Identifier", "identifier_type": "UIN", "identifier_value": "567891011" }
In this example, the spdci:Identifier instance describes identifier type and identifier value.
{ "@context": { "spdci": "", "xsd": "", "schema": "", "rdfs": "", "owl": "" }, "@id": "spdci:Identifier", "@type": "rdfs:Class", "rdfs:comment": "The spdci:Identifier object refers to unique numbers identifying individuals.", "rdfs:property": [ { "@id": "spdci:identifier_type", "@type": "rdfs:Datatype", "rdfs:domain": "spdci:Identifier", "rdfs:range": "spdci:IdentifierTypeEnum", "rdfs:comment": "Type of identifier used by the person." }, { "@id": "spdci:identifier_value", "@type": "rdfs:Datatype", "rdfs:domain": "spdci:Identifier", "rdfs:range": "xsd:string", "rdfs:comment": "Value of the identifier." } ] }