
  1. Center of Excellence for CRVS systems; Country Profile; IDRC-CRDI, Canada;

  2. Chile: Civil Registration and Vital Statistics in Chile; Worldwide: CRVS - UN Statistics Wiki; 2021;

  3. Civil Registration and Vital Statistics; United Nations, Statistics Division;

  4. Dictionary for civil registration and identification. Washington, DC; Interagency Development Bank; 2015;

  5. HL7 FHIR - Index

  6. ISO 27001 and ISO 29100 for Information security management systems and Privacy framework.

  7. OpenCRVS, Standards

  8. OpenID Connect, Documentation

  9. OpenSPP Documentation

  10. Principles and recommendations for a vital statistics system, rev. 3. New York. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs; 2014;

  11. Security by Design, European Commission

  12. Social Protection, International Food Policy Research Institute

  13. The nexus between civil registration and social protection systems: five country practices". International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, ON; 2020;

  14. UN Statistics Wiki, Civil Registration and Vital Statistics;

  15. What have we learned about cash transfers? World Bank Blogs, Published on Development Impact, 2021;

  16. World Social Protection Report, Universal social protection to achieve the SDG, 2017– 2019

  17. World Social Protection Report, International Labor Organization, 2017-19

  18. WCC HERA, Product Overview

Last updated

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