PRS.CRVS.06: Proactive enrollment in child allowance scheme

Context Use Case (Social Protection and Systems Involved)

The child benefit allowance scheme ensures that benefits are proactively delivered to eligible children, streamlining the distribution process. The proactive workflow for SP services is customized according to the nature of the service.

  • For universal services provided by the SP program, the current workflow involves providing the child's information from CRVS to SP-MIS using either birth registration details or a unique identification number.

  • For SP services targeting specific categories, data management needs to be handled at the SP level. In such cases, SP may use more specific search criteria to extract relevant data from the CRVS system.

Detailed Process Workflow



Sections Description

Actors and Entities

SP-MIS, CRVS system, and the child.


Process Inputs

SP-MIS enquires with CRVS based on a date range for birthdate, sex, and locality (sub_region_code) data elements to extract child records from CRVS.

Process Flow Steps

  1. Child record search

The SP system initiates a request to the CRVS system, specifying parameters like date of birth range, sex, and region to retrieve relevant details.

  1. CRVS Search and Response

CRVS system responds with the requested information, including Child's Unique Identification Number (UIN) if available, Birth Registration Number, name, birthdate, sex, death date, address, and parent's details (UIN, name, phone_number, email)

  1. Eligibility Verification

The SP system verifies the data received from CRVS and determines the children's eligibility based on the SP system's criteria and requirements.

  1. Outreach

After identifying eligible children, SP officials reach out to the respective families, inviting them to register the child for the benefits scheme.


Children are automatically enrolled in the scheme without the need for explicit application.

Control Points

Refer toAssumptions#9 for control points

Sample APIs

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