PRS.CRVS.03: Ceasing allowance upon death notification

Context: Use Case (Social Protection and Systems involved)

Cease benefits upon receiving notification of the beneficiary's death" entails the suspension or cessation of benefits upon the SP-MIS receiving official notification or information regarding the beneficiary's passing. In essence, once confirmation of the beneficiary's demise is received by SP-MIS, the regular disbursement of the allowance is to be immediately halted or stopped as per the adjudication.

The proactive workflow for SP services depends on the specific nature of the service provided. In the case of a universal service offered by the SP program, the current workflow entails pushing all necessary information from death registration in CRVS to SP-MIS. However, if the SP service is targeted for specific categories, the data handling may need to be managed at the SP level. In such cases, SP may use more specific search criteria to extract relevant data from the CRVS system.

Detailed Process Workflow



Sections Description

Actors and Entities

SP-MIS, CRVS System and Applicant Details.


  • Refer toAssumptions.

  • CRVS sends periodic and dependable death notifications to SP-MIS as per the frequency agreed between the systems.

  • SP provides universal service to the citizens for which death notifications are being sent to SP-MIS.

  • To ensure smooth operations, clear guidelines and procedures are established, outlining the necessary steps and actions to be taken by SP-MIS upon receiving a death notification.

Process Inputs

Setting up periodic updates of death events from CRVS to SP-MIS

Process Flow Steps

  1. Death event recording

CRVS system records death events, capturing essential information such as the unique identification number (UIN), name, address, death date, place of death, and other relevant details.

  1. Regular sharing of death records

The CRVS system transmits death record details to the SP-MIS system through predefined scheduled jobs via APIs at regular intervals, as agreed upon, using a change feed. The information shared includes the UIN, name, sex, death registration number, death date and death place.

  1. Initiation of benefits cessation

Upon receiving the death event details from the CRVS, the SP-MIS system initiates the necessary procedures to cease the benefit to the beneficiary in accordance with their established rules.


The process ensures the timely suspension of benefits as needed.

Control Points

SP-MIS decides whether to stop the allowance or not based on the information received from CRVS.

Sample APIs

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