Example 1: Conditional Girl’s Education Cash Transfer Scheme

This process workflow provides an example for generic use case PRS.SR.02: SP-MIS updates attributes for a batch of beneficiaries in the Social Registry. The example used is for a scheme that provides conditional cash transfers to households that have girls in education.

In this example the address and contact details for a beneficiary enrolled in the scheme has changed. Scheme officials have verified this change following agreed protocols and update SP-MIS records with the new address and contact information. The process workflow describes interoperability between SP-MIS for the scheme and the Social Registry to update the Social Registry with the new information.

SP-MIS uses the API to post an update to the Social Registry for households whose address and contact information has changed. The Social Registry confirms receipt of the updated information.

The Social Registry may now process the information and update it’s records. It may in turn notify other SP-MIS that have enrolled these beneficiaries of the updated data.

This provides the information needed by SP-MIS to determine which households are eligible for support from this scheme. Further steps may now be taken to notify the head of household and initiate the enrolment process.

Table - Conditional Girl’s Education Cash Transfer Scheme

Sections Description

Process Purpose

The purpose of the Conditional Cash Transfer for Education Scheme is to enable SP-MIS to update the Social Registry where information on a beneficiary has changed

Actors and Entities

SP-MIS and Social Registry


  • The system assumes that all eligible children are registered in the social registry

  • The system assumes that the social registry is reliable and secure and that any issues or challenges can be promptly addressed to avoid any disruption in the delivery of benefits.

  • The system assumes that all relevant regulations and policies are followed in the delivery of benefits to eligible children and that any changes or updates to these regulations are promptly incorporated into the system.


  • The system has adequate technological infrastructure, including hardware, software, and networking capabilities, to support the social registry and the automatic delivery of benefits.

  • The system requires the engagement and support of relevant stakeholders, including beneficiaries, government agencies, financial institutions, and civil society organizations, to ensure the effective and sustainable implementation of the scheme.

Process Inputs

Social Registry makes a subscribe request to SP-MIS for specific beneficiaries and specific attributes in the person and/or household data object(s).

Process Flow Steps

Step 1: The Social Registry uses the subscribe API to convey the UIN and attributes for individuals for whom it wishes to be notified of changes.

Contact and address information several households has changed. Scheme officials are notified, verify the change and update the information in SP-MIS

Step 2: In cases where the information has changed for individuals where the Social Registry has made a subscribe request, SP-MIS uses the notify API to post an update to the Social Registry.

This includes the UIN for beneficiaries whose information has changed and the updated attributes.

The social registry confirms receipt of the data to SP-MIS


Using the interoperability with the social registry, SP-MIS can provide updated beneficiary information to the Social Registry at the trust level.

In the integrated environment updating the household data on the Social Registry may take anywhere between five and seven minutes. Consequently, individuals or households are only required to update their information with one social protection scheme. Their updated information can then be provided to other schemes via interoperability.

Control Points

Social Registry is ultimately responsible for determining if the information provided by SP-MIS is used to update it’s records.

Diagram 1 - Conditional Girl’s Education Cash Transfer Scheme : PRS.SR.02

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