DO.SR.05 DisabilityInfo
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This data object contains information about functional limitations identified in individuals through social protection related data collection for instance social registry related survey. Such surveys increasingly use the Washington Group Short Set on Functioning (WG-SS) as a reference with sometimes adaptation.
Such data collection will provide elements that would indicate that one or several individual(s) in household surveyed may be persons with disabilities. However, considering the restricted number of questions used, the fact that enumerators are not trained to assess disability and may obtain the information from one household member on behalf of other, this information is only indicative and cannot be considered as reliable as information coming from Disability Registry (DR) for which individual disability assessment has been carried out. Information from the DR about a particular individual will normally supersede the disability related information collected directly during social protection data collection.
In instances where countries do not have a digitized Disability Registry, or where interoperability between Disability Registry and SP Systems is not operational, a set of information related to disability assessment and certification could be recorded within the social protection systems, refer to data object which contains comprehensive disability details of persons with disabilities.
The specific type (s) of functional limitation the person has. For example, Vision
Indicates the severity level of the functional limitation