
Integrated beneficiary registries (IBR) consolidate data on the benefits received by individuals or households across several programmes. The goal of an IBR is to provide a comprehensive picture of who is receiving which benefit from which programme.

IBR are distinct from social registries. While a social registry will hold a list of all people and/or households registered (and hence potentially eligible to receive benefits) an IBR will only hold data on people and/or households that have received a benefit from at least one programme.

An IBR has a number of objectives, including but not limited to the following:

  • To monitor and evaluate the coverage of social protection programmes across different target groups and regions.

  • To prevent and identify unintended duplications or overlaps in enrolment across programmes, thereby supporting the eligibility verification of potential beneficiaries.

  • To facilitate coordination and harmonisation among different social protection programmes and stakeholders. This includes complementarities and transitions across programs and improves targeting

  • To enhance the precision and effectiveness of targeting, by reducing errors and fraud.

  • To provide data that informs policy-making, program adjustments, and strategic planning.

  • To enhance transparency and accountability in the management and allocation of social protection resources

IBR are a tool to assist with planning, coordination and monitoring across the entire social protection system. The IBR is both an analytical and operational tool. It aggregates and synthesizes data across various social protection programs. It also helps to coordinate services, streamline beneficiary enrollment processes, improve service delivery, and enhance the overall efficiency of social protection programs.

Interoperability between SP-MIS and IBR

Interoperability between IBR and social protection programs refers to the ability of these systems to effectively exchange information and work together. Interoperability is essential for ensuring that the right people receive the right benefits, as well as for monitoring and evaluating the impact of social protection programs.

For example, a well-functioning IBR can provide the data needed to identify eligible beneficiaries and ensure that social protection benefits are directed to the right people. In turn, data from social protection programs can provide valuable information on the reach and impact of these programs, which can be used to inform policy decisions and improve program design.

This documentation provides a set of standard processes, standard data elements, and standard APIs that can provide the basis for interoperability between IBR and SP-MIS. The standards described here are informed by and based on actual examples of interoperable systems. Implementing these standards will require close collaboration between the relevant government agencies and other stakeholders, as well as the implementation of appropriate data protection and privacy measures.

Last updated