CD.DR.15 DisabilityStatusLevel
This can be documented if the person has approved disability status.
In many countries, the disability status is associated with levels or categories which may provide access to different types of benefits packages. Those level are prescribed by the legislation or disability certification regulations. It often relates to the level difficulties, or the level of support required by an individual to perform the basic and instrumental activities of daily life and/or to participate more broadly. Those levels may or may not reflect the restriction created by barriers in the environment that the person face depending on the way disability assessment is done and criteria related to disability certification. Also in some countries such levels or categories are attributed only for adults and not for children.
The number of level and categories vary but are often 3 or 4. The levels/categories can be numerical or will reflect in general a scale such as for instance:
Level 1
High Support Needs (sometimes called very severe or profound)
Person requires continuous, intensive support for daily living activities.
Level 2
Person experiences significant limitation that limit independence, often needing extensive support.
Level 3
Person experiences noticeable limitations that may require some accommodations or support occasionally or only for certain tasks.
Level 4
Person experiences minor limitations in performing tasks, generally manageable without special support.
They can also be expressed as percentage that is generated by the disability assessment, with different range of percentage as categories, for instance:
Less than 50%
50% to 80%
More than 80%
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