Example 2: Monthly Allowance for Minor with disability

This process provides an example for generic use for monthly allowance for minors with disability. The benefit is a social assistance, which guarantees the monthly payment to the minor with disability.

The scheme is a key component of the Social Assistance Policy, offering a monthly allowance to eligible minors who cannot support themselves or receive support from their families. This benefit is intended to provide financial assistance to those in need, ensuring they have the means to maintain a basic standard of living.

Process Flow: Enrolling in Monthly Allowance for Minor with disability Cash Transfer Scheme


Actors and Entities

Applicants, SP-MIS, DR, Payment system


  • Applicant registered in Disability Registry.

  • Eligibility is satisfied Minor and Disabled


  • Applicant has a unique identifier.

  • Applicant registered in Disabled Registry.

  • Social Registry provides BPL/LIG data.

  • Applicant provides consent to SP systems for Various operations required for registration.

Process Inputs

The input for the Monthly Allowance Grant for Minor Registration Process is the applicant's National ID.

Process Flow Steps

  1. The applicant accesses the SP MIS self-registration portal for the Disability Grants for Monthly Allowance for Minors and submits their National ID.

  2. SP MIS requests disability registration verification from the DR using the National ID. If not registered, the process ends.

  3. SP MIS verifies the applicant's registration and disability status. If not eligible, the process ends.

  4. If successful, SP MIS enroll applicant and verify Bank account details. If the account is payable, the details are added to the SP MIS Payment List, and the applicant is notified of the successful grant transfer.


Using interoperability with the DR, SP-MIS can request and exchange beneficiary information securely. Based on the received information, SP-MIS can immediately decide whether to enroll the beneficiary in this program.

Control Points

  1. A control point is set at SP MIS when the results from the Disability Registry are received. If the eligibility check is successful, the process continues. If not, the registration request may be terminated.

Exception Handling

Refer Exception Handling for alternate flow

Diagram 4 - Minor with disability cash transfer scheme

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